024 – June 2023: I’m Still Calling it “E3 2023”

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

Final Fantasy XVI releases in under a week, meaning that June will simply be too epic a month for just one episode. It’s a rare mid-month *BONUSODE*!! Where we discuss everything from FFVII Rebirth, FFVII Ever Crisis, Door Dash, and so much more. Techno wonders if Bugenhagen is really Red XIII’s grandpa. BlueHighwind ponders a Sephiroth-Cloud-Tifa tentacle polycule. SomeColorMage is legally able to take SE money to promote Foamstars.

Next time, it’s gonna be Final Fantasy XVI, I promise you. More Final Fantasy XVI than you mind can handle.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, SomeColorMage, and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

If you want to chat, join the FFWiki Discord.

023 – May 2023: Final Fantasy XVI minus 1

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

BlueHighwind is back, and is tired of talking about all the Final Fantasy XVI media cycling. So instead he brought on Yuanchosaan and ScatheMote, who have just recently played/replayed Final Fantasy XV. Remember that one? Noctis? Boy stuff? Turns out, there are other, more positive perspectives on that game. People do like that game for a reason.

Also, somehow medieval English history keeps coming up in the discussion. We don’t know what to do with that.

Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

If you want to chat, join the FFWiki Discord.

022 – April 2023: F*** Capitalism, Go Home

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

BlueHighwind had a sudden family emergency so could not make the recording. But we winged it and through together and episode in his absence. This month we discuss the news of Square Enix’s shaky start with AI gaming, new directions in the MMOs, and at the end, the horrible news of the closure of Waypoint, a great voice in video game media. Solidarity with those folks. ✊

Also, we discuss a major, more accurate revision to the Final Fantasy VII timeline page. Because we do edit these wiki pages sometimes.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by SomeColorMage and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

If you want to chat, join the FFWiki Discord.

021 – March 2023: Should We Keep the ‘J’ in ‘JRPG’?

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month we have tons of news. Square Enix is moving on with a new president. Final Fantasy XI is moving on with a new producer. Final Fantasy XVI is having a major media blitz as Yoshi-P sets us up for the game’s launch in June. And E3 is dead. And NFTs… again.

While discussing the hype or lack of hype or vague numbness about FFXVI, we ponder what an RPG is, whether ‘JRPG’ is a term that needs retirement, the entire state of gaming as an industry, and what the meat-arrows do in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, Catuse, SomeColorMage, and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

If you want to chat, join the FFWiki Discord at https://discord.gg/gt42pGP

020 – February 2023: Angry Yoshi-P is Scary Yoshi-P

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month we have a less-Gigachad-sized episode with a nice reasonable 80 minutes! The big release of the month is Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line, the music game celebration of FF history, which lots of us have been obsessing over and enjoying. But is it as good as the Kingdom Hearts alternative?

Then there’s a major scandal tearing through the halls of FFXIV. Yoshi-P is angry. Yoshi-P is very angry.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, SomeColorMage, and King Toastsalot. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

If you want to chat, join the FFWiki Discord at https://discord.gg/gt42pGP

Also, BlueHighwind’s Top 10 Games of 2022 List: http://bluehighwind.blogspot.com/2023/02/top-10-games-of-2022-masterpost.html

019 – January 2023: 2022 Remembered and Big Wiki Revisions

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month we have another Gigachad-sized episode with two hours of news and 2022 Year in Review. We have to discuss big new DLCs for old games. The new game Forspoken and whether Twitter shitty opinions are worth our time. Square Enix is doing NFTs for some reason again. And Final Fantasy XIV has a new Superboss.

Then the big subject: Techno is very excited to talk about all the work the team has done on the FFVII pages. Also another subject: what was the Final Fantasy of the Year? Was it even a Final Fantasy at all?

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, SomeColorMage, Catuse, and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

018 – December 2022: Is Crisis Core Good Now?

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month another massive news block: tons of Final Fantasy XVI news and possible converts to the faith. Chocobo GP turning into a #DeadGame (maybe). Big updates to Stranger of Paradise, two *huge* updates to FFXIV, and with great difficulty, trying to decide if the new Forspoken demo is good or not.

Then for the main course, Crisis Core Reunion came out this month. Technobliterator is really excited about it. BlueHighwind hated the original and is unsure about the improvements. Then we must wonder what this all means for FFVII Rebirth/FFVII Remake 2.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, SomeColorMage, and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

PS: There was no time for it on the podcast, but if you like classic Final Fantasy games, you gotta play Chained Echoes, the new indie JRPG that’s a wonderful buffet of the best ideas from FFVI, FFIX, FFXII, and Chrono Trigger. That’s an incredible game, well worth your time – Eric.

017 – November 2022: Final Fantasy Tactics vs Tactics Ogre

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month we make up for lost time with a massive news block covering all the big things from October and November. So we cover the death of Google Stadia, the death of The First Soldier, our host company Fandom buying a huge portion of games media, Final Fantasy XVI’s diversity controversy, and everybody’s favorite topic: NFTs.

Then with a new version of the classic Tactics Ogre being released this month, we have to wonder, is it better than Final Fantasy Tactics?

Strap in, long episode. Keep the energy up.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, Catuse, and Technobliterator. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

016 – October 2022 *Retro Episode!* World of Final Fantasy (from Oct. 2016)

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

Technology has won out and the podcast recording for this new month of October 2022 was lost. Since it’s last minute and re-recording sounds like no fun, we’re just gonna post an old episode on the feed, one of the classics, the very first attempt the FFWiki did on podcasting.

This episode is about what was then the upcoming game, World of Final Fantasy and its demo at the NY Comic Con, also Dissidia NT, which was still upcoming. We also ponder the importance of Hiroyuki Ito and whether ATB and turn-based are actually meaningfully different.

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by ScatheMote, BlueHighwind, Technobliterator, and SomeColorMage. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.

015 – September 2022: Is Final Fantasy Tactics Gay Enough?

The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of https://finalfantasy.fandom.com, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.

This month we discuss the announcements Square Enix made at the Tokyo Game Show, and the many more announcements they made at the Nintendo Direct. We also ponder and deeply worry about the company’s continued interest in NFTs. Also for some reason NFL football keeps coming up.

Then we all ask ourselves “which classic game should Square Enix remaster/remake/port next?”

This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, Catuse, and 8bit Black Mage in his first Podcast appearance! Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.